Nationals articles

Tree Planting at Wollaton Park

To commemorate that the National Cross Country Championships were held at Wollaton Park, Nottingham in 2014 an oak tree has been planted near to the start and finish of the races. The ECCA President Ian Byett, planted the tree and was accompanied by Mick Robinson of Notts AC and John Pell of Nottingham City Council. The

Video from the Nationals..

Here’s a video clip of the Nationals, produced by Brandnation for BBC Wales.  The video taken in among the runners was taken by Jon Quint, who ran with a camera. See and hear the iconic start of the Senior Men’s race!

Race Report – 2015 English National Cross Country Championships

There were records galore achieved at the Saucony English National Cross Country Championships, held at Parliament Hill, London on Saturday. The numbers entered were already very high and the numbers running matched this. Firstly 5283 runners finished across the 10 Races, nearly 600 up on the previous best. On a day that was very wet


The 2015 Saucony English National Cross Country Championships take place at Parliament Hill Fields on Saturday 21st February, 2015 celebrates the fact that it is 65 years since the first time a National Championship was held at Parliament Hill when the Women’s Event was held there in 1950 while the Men were first there in
