Teams articles

Venta de Banos 16 Dec 2012 – Junior Men’s Race Report

Just over 5 hours after Easyjet flight EZ3225 took the sky the team arrived in the sleepy town of Venta de Banos, Central Spain. The town had once been a major train junction enjoying the same sort of iconic status as other great railway junctions of the world, such as Crewe in England. The village

Venta de Banos 16 Dec 2012 – Women’s Race Report

Selection The selection for this event was the European Cross Country trial in Liverpool on 24th November: – Rebecca Weston (South of England) 8th at the trial Grace Baker (South of England) 12th at the trial Chloe Richardson (Midlands) 13th at the trial Rebecca Murray (South of England) 11th at the trial Travel and Accommodation

Burgos Report

The England team made its second consecutive visit to the city of Burgos in Northern Spain. Having deemed the 2011 trip a great success with 7 out of the 16 athletes making the GB team in the UK Trials 2 weeks later. The men were always going to be up against very strong opposition with

Home Countries International 2012

England Teams travelled to Rouken Glen Park near Glasgow for the Home Countries international. The event this year was the finale to the Cross Country season and on sunny day the competition was keen. England scored Teams wins in three of the four races but lost out to Scotland in the Senior Men’s race which

Home Countries International – Selection

 England have chosen a mixture of established runners who have already been awarded a vest this season plus some newcomers for the Home Countries International in Glasgow next Sunday. The event now having been re-established, goes into a new four year cycle with Wales hosting next year followed by England in 2014 and Northern Ireland

Belgium Cross Cup – Halshout

For the last of their trips away from Great Britain this season, England sends teams to Halshout for a Belgium Cross Cup event, next Sunday. It is again a mixture of youth and experience that travels to Belgium. Teams selected by the ECCA Team Managers and Travelling are: Junior Women – Georgia Taylor-Brown (East Cheshire

Juan Muguerza Cross Cup, Elgoibar

 England Athletes faced strong opposition when they travelled to Northern Spain for the Juan Muguerza Cross in Elgoibar. The English Cross Country Association team management always consider this event as the top event they go to each winter for several reasons. One being the quality opposition they face, two a well organised event and three

Cardiff McCains UK Cross Challenge

The ECCA decided back at their team managers’ meeting in October to support the Cardiff McCains UK Cross Challenge. The Association recognised the need for this type of competition although ECCA’s policy is to give athletes the opportunity to compete in Europe outside of Championships. For the Cardiff event the England Team Managers have chosen

Lotto Cross Cup, Brussels

The England Teams selected for the Lotto Cross Cup event in Brussels on the 18th December are as follows: Senior Men Jonathan Taylor – Morpeth H Benedict Whitby – Windsor Slough Eton & Hounslow AC Steve Vernon – Stockport H Ashley Harrell – City of Norwich AC Senior Women Natalie Harvey – South London H

Home Countries Report 2011

The Home Countries Cross Country international held this year at the Greenmount campus, Antrim, Northern Ireland saw the England teams in fine form in this, the last of the season’s cross country events. The England selection policy meant that runners that didn’t go to the World Cross (in some cases narrowly missing selection), got the
