The English Cross Country Association

Home of the English National and Relay Cross Country Champs, and national team




The Association shall be called the ENGLISH CROSS COUNTRY ASSOCIATION hereinafter called the Association and shall consist of clubs and bodies affiliated to England Athletics (or its successor authority) with a declared interest in cross country running.


The objects of the Association shall be:

  1. To manage, encourage and promote competition in cross country running in England;
  2. To promote English Cross Country Championships annually;
  3. To select and manage competitors to represent England in international competition;
  4. To exercise such powers as shall from time to time be devolved to it by the body responsible for the governance of athletics in England;
  5. To carry out UK Athletics Rules for Competition


The management of the Association shall be vested in a General Committee consisting of:

  1. The Officers, consisting of the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer all of whom shall be ex officio on all committees and who shall normally be elected for a period of three years;
  2. Championship Secretaries;
  3. President, Past Presidents, Life Vice-Presidents and Life Members of the Association;
  4. Two members nominated by each of the bodies responsible for promoting Cross Country Championships in the former “North”, “Midlands” and “South” areas or such other areas as may devolve;
  5. Members nominated by Regional Councils, affiliated clubs and bodies to a maximum of eighteen, one third of which shall retire each year, any member retiring may offer themselves for re-election, Co-opted individuals as required, appointed to achieve the necessary balance of skills and experience;
  6. Voting members of the General Committee shall be such as are appointed or elected under 3 a), b), d) and e)above;
  7. The General Committee shall meet at least twice a year;
  8. The General Committee shall call an Open Meeting annually.


The General Committee shall appoint:

  1. An Executive Committee empowered to deal with any urgent matters which may be referred to it by General Committee or which may arise in the interval between General Committee meetings;
  2. A Championship Committee to deal with all matters appertaining to the English National Cross Country Championships and English Cross Country Relay Championships;
  3. Any other sub-committees as deemed necessary.


The business and conduct of an Open Meeting shall be:

  1. Notice of Open Meetings
    1. Advance notice of Open Meetings shall be given to England Athletics Regional Councils for dissemination to interested parties not less than fifty-six clear days before the date of meeting;
    2. Nominations for Officers, General Committee members and other matters to be considered shall be received be the Secretary not less than twenty-eight days prior to the meeting;
    3. Formal notice including an agenda shall be given to England Athletics Regional Councils for dissemination to interested parties not less than twenty-one days prior to the meeting.
  2. Business
    1. To elect officers;
    2. To elect members of the General Committee;
    3. To receive the current financial statement;
    4. To appoint auditors;
    5. To consider and proposed changes to the Constitution;
    6. To consider any other matter of which due notice has been given.
  3. Conduct of meeting
    1. Each club or other body affiliated to England Athletics with a declared interest in cross country running may nominate one delegate to attend, speak and vote. Such nominations shall be on the club or body’s headed paper and signed by a duly authorised person;
    2. Each delegate shall have one vote. In the event of an equality of votes the Chairman of the meeting shall have a casting vote;
    3. In the event of excess nominations being received for any position the candidates with the most votes up to the number required to fill all current vacancies shall be duly elected.


  1. The fund of the Association shall be vested in the name of the English Cross Country Association; All funds shall be applied to the furtherance of the objects of the Association;
  2. In the event of dissolution, the funds and property remaining will be devoted to other organisations whose objects are similar to those of the Association.

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