8th Annual Open Meeting
1 min readThe 8th Annual Open Meeting of the ECCA will be held at the SMART ASTON COURT HOTEL, MIDLAND RD, Derby DE1 2SL on Saturday 16th May 2015 at 12 noon.
The Conference Room is on the ground floor of the Hotel, tea and coffee will be available from 11:30.
The following business will be conducted:
Chairman’s welcome and confirm the President for 2015/16 and then pass the Chain on to Bill McGuirk, nominated by Northern Athletics.
Chairman’s report.
Honorary Treasurer’s report and financial statement.
Election of the Honorary Secretary, for a 3 year period, Ian Byett has been nominated by 4 Clubs and an Association and is duly elected.
Election of General Committee Members, one third of the Committee is due for election. This year only 2 members are up for re-election Arwel Williams and Maureen Smith, nominations for these members have been received from 4 Clubs, however Arwel Williams is also nominated by Northern Athletics so doesn’t need to stand as an elected member (ii) Vacancies exist on the General Committee and nominations from the floor will be accepted.
Confirm the 2 nominations from each of the bodies representing Cross Country in the Midlands, North and South. These are Midlands, Peter Burns & Rita Brownlie, Northern Athletics, Steve Gaines & Arwel Williams and the South of England, Chris Stott & Martin Holland.
Consider a proposal from Bedford & County AC:
“We oppose the introduction of changes to the Age Group structure as proposed by UKA for Cross Country”.
A General Committee Meeting will follow the Open Meeting.