The English Cross Country Association

Home of the English National and Relay Cross Country Champs, and national team

Ted Sutters

1 min read

The English Cross Country Association is sad to hear that Ted Sutters passed away on Tuesday 10th July at the age of 96. Ted was for many decades a member of the English Cross Country Union Committee and was President during the 1968 – 69 season when the National was held at Parliament Hill. A member of Ealing and Southall AC, Ted was a Southern Counties CCA delegate on the ECCU and was down as a Trustee for the South for many years.

A leading Cross Country Official throughout the 1960s, 70s and the 80s, Ted’s greatest appointment was to be the Referee at the XI IAAF World Cross Country Championships held in 1983 at Gateshead, Riverside Park. The event also took place on the Centenary of the ECCU and according to the entry list athletes from 27 different Countries took part.

Ted continued to officiate for many years after this before retiring to the Bournemouth Area to live although recently he had been in a Care Home in the Ipswich area, he is survived by his wife Margaret who is 98 years of age.

Ted Sutters Funeral

The provisional date is Thursday 26th July at 3 pm. The venue is as follows.

Seven Hills Crematorium
Felixstowe Road
IP10 0FG

Telephone: 01473 655614

And afterwards at Alice Grange Care Home.