The English Cross Country Association

Home of the English National and Relay Cross Country Champs, and national team

Annual Open Meeting 2022

2 min read
  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Chairman’s welcome and the Presidents Chain of Office will be passed on for the year 2022/23 to Ron Needham of Northern Athletics. The Past President’s Memento will also be presented to Chris Stott.
  3. Chairman’s report. See separate sheet.
  4. Honorary Treasurer’s report and financial statement
  5. Election of the Honorary Treasurer for a 3-year period, Richard Inchley has been nominated by 3 Clubs
    and is duly re-elected.
  6. Election of General Committee Members, one third of the Committee is due for election each year.
    1. Those seeking re-election in 2022 are Graham Heeley, Joe Mower, and Jean Simpson MBE. Joe Mower has indicated this will be his last 3 year term. Nominations have been received for all 3 and they are re-elected.
    2. A nomination for Chris Hitchman of Leamington C & AC been received for a new member and he has been elected. Vacancies exist on the General Committee and nominations from the floor will be accepted.
  7. Confirm the 2 nominations from each of the bodies representing Cross Country in the Midlands, North and South. These are Midlands, Peter Burns & Keith Brackstone, Northern Athletics, Steve Gaines & Arwel Williams and from The South of England, Martin Holland & Steve Vincent.
  8. Proposals by the Chairman to amend the Constitution supported by the Honorary Sec.
    1. Amend 3(a) to add Assistant Secretary – and include the role in the three-year cycle of elections.
    2. Amend 4(b) to add Assistant Secretary
  9. Proposed by Mike Neighbour of Aldershot Farnham & Dist.
    That in future that 2 Clubs represent the UK in the European Champion Clubs cross country championships,AFD propose that the ECCA recommend to UK athletics.  That 2 clubs (the winner and runner up from the cross country relays) from each of the home country contest the trial to determine the 2 clubs representing the UK. Also, that the UK sends both senior and under 20 clubs of both men and women. Also 2 mixed relay teams are selected from the combined times of the first 2 male and the first 2 women from any club in the in the short course trial at Liverpool.As there are no other proposals The Chairman will then adjourn the Open Meeting and commence the General Committee business.
  10. Minutes of the October General Committee meeting and matters arising.
  11. Reports on the 2021/2022 Championships and recent Executive Committee meeting
    1. If approved at Item 8 of the Open Meeting Agenda, seek nominations for the post of Assistant Secretary and, if agreed, make the appointment.
    2. Report on venues for the season ahead.
  12. Winter Fixture list 2022/2023
  13. Reports on International Fixtures
  14. UKA, EA, AAA. English Schools and Area reports.
  15. Any other business and date of the next meeting.