Cardiff McCains UK Cross Challenge

The ECCA decided back at their team managers’ meeting in October to support the Cardiff McCains UK Cross Challenge.

The Association recognised the need for this type of competition although ECCA’s policy is to give athletes the opportunity to compete in Europe outside of Championships.

For the Cardiff event the England Team Managers have chosen strong teams, and the athletes selected are:

Junior Women
Jess Chen – City of Portsmouth AC, Abbie Herrington – Carlisle Aspatria AC, Hannah Tarver – Wirral AC, Jennifer Walsh – Spenborough AC

Junior Men
Josh Grace – Aldershot, Farnham & Dist AC, Luca Russo – Tonbridge AC, Gordon Benson – Leeds City AC, TBA

Senior Women
Katrina Wooton – Bedford & County AC, Emily Pidgeon – Stroud & Dist AC, Lauren Howarth – Leigh H, Juliet Doyle – Charnwood H

Senior Men
Adam Hickey – Southend AC, Ashley Harrell – City of Norwich AC, Neilson Hall – Bedford & County AC, Frank Tickner – Wells City H

