Team Selection Iris Cross Cup, Brussels

The ECCA have picked the following teams to represent England in the Iris Cross Cup event to be staged in Brussels.

Senior Men: Nick Swinburn – Morpeth H, Andy Maud – Highgate H, Daniel Studley – Bristol & West AC, Jack Martin – Stockport H.

Senior Women: Charlotte Arter – Cardiff AAC, Lauren Deadman – Havering AC, Kate Holt – City of Stoke AC, Kate Hulls – Bristol and West AC.

In the Senior Women’s team Kate Holt has had to withdraw due to work commitments and is replaced by Naomi Taschimowitz – Shaftesbury Barnet H.

Junior Men: Corey De’ath – Tonbridge AC, Ellis Cross – Tamworth AC, William Fuller – Blackheath & Bromley H, Jack Rowe – Aldershot, Farnham & Dist AC.

Junior women: Niamh Brown – Aldershot, Farnham & Dist AC, Morven Goodrum  –  Windsor, Slough Eton & Hounslow AC, Georgia Malir – Leeds City AC, Phoebe Law – Kingston & Poly AC.
